My Dash
Keeping track of all of your dealership’s digital marketing efforts can be dizzying at times. Think about it, how many logins do you have to keep track of just to pull all of your reports together at the end of the month? I’m sure you’ve thought there has to be an easier way to do this and save you precious time in the process.
That easier way is Vistadash Insights. This feature allows you to take all those logins—condensed into one place with one sign-in—and generate the reports that you need in a fraction of the time. My Dash gives you the data you need and more time to focus on how to turn it into more potential sales. Less clutter means more efficiency, and that’s what Insights can offer your dealership.

Request a Demo
To learn more about Vistadash, please fill out the form, and we’ll schedule a 10-minute demo with your team in the next few days. We look forward to helping you see your data clearly!